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Steve Mochen Billboard


Posted 8:16 pm, 04/10/2018

American Bulldog (view profile)

Posted 8:17 pm, 04/09/2018

Again he is a puppet being told what to do or who to terminate

Anyone that knows Mr. Hartley knows he is not being controlled by anyone. Just more specious nonsense by a jealous loser.


Posted 8:13 pm, 04/10/2018

i'll hold off any further till it's confirmed by my sources...


Posted 8:03 pm, 04/10/2018

Clod, bless your heart, what are you talking about?


Posted 7:52 pm, 04/10/2018

So Bucky has decided not to run for sheriff?


Posted 5:07 pm, 04/10/2018

If I remember correctly......Mickey, Rickey, Munday, and Maultsby resigned before Hartley was sworn. Mochen was and still is not certified in NC, so he was not asked to swear in for Hartley. So again we are back to what? 2?

jack rip her

Posted 4:10 pm, 04/10/2018

You forgot Mickey and his 5 grand dog.


Posted 4:07 pm, 04/10/2018

Well let'e see Fich, We have Mochen, Munday, Maultsby, the Chief Jailer, Hartley's secretary, Clayton, Boyles. That's at least 7 that I know of. I'm sure with a little digging, I could come up with more.

I guess when a new Sheriff gets sworn in and they bring some of these folks back, the county will be on the hook for their time and tenure just like the current administration.


Posted 1:01 pm, 04/10/2018

Jack, they may be trying to find several people to claim they made part of the Nelson/Sharpie contributions. They do not want it to look like a candidate for Sherriff has been bought and paid for since the day the first Mochen billboard went up.

jack rip her

Posted 12:24 pm, 04/10/2018

Truth where is that transparency Mooch is advertising? We are still waiting for you to post the campaign finances of Mooch.


Posted 11:48 am, 04/10/2018

What’s that make, 2?

Not really the same thing.


Posted 11:38 am, 04/10/2018

Absher/Hartley forced another one out yesterday. When does it stop?


Posted 11:37 pm, 04/09/2018

I believe Hartley was an MP during the Korean Conflict.


Posted 10:22 pm, 04/09/2018

The corrupt and their backers have a vendetta against officials they can not buy or control. The people of Ashe see this and understand this. They will never vote for this. If the corrupt had any hope of controlling Ashe County offices, they should have picked someone other than Bufurt to be their first puppet.


Posted 10:09 pm, 04/09/2018

You know, during this whole ordeal over the past 16 months, the fact that Hartley even exists has tore up Bufurt and his small fan club. The fact that he was elected to 4 terms and never having worked a day before that in law enforcement or received a BLET certification and that people questioned Bufurt’s “resume” made them all furious. And for him to be picked as the interim sheriff is so angering to them, it keeps them up at night, wishing him dead


Posted 8:26 pm, 04/09/2018

Bull, I say again show us proof that Hartley put the GOP or his own interests above the needs of the SO or the people of Ashe. He has filled the empty slots with quality personnel and filled other slots with experienced former employees. Show us how he was political in these actions.

American Bulldog

Posted 8:17 pm, 04/09/2018

Again he is a puppet being told what to do or who to terminate


Posted 8:14 pm, 04/09/2018

Bull, show us how Hartley put the Republican Party or his interests above what is best for the SO and the citizens.


Posted 8:02 pm, 04/09/2018

If anyone thinks Mooch is still vetting chief deputy candidates, you are dumber than Paula Perry. All signs point to Bufurt will have another job if Mooch manages to get elected.

American Bulldog

Posted 7:49 pm, 04/09/2018

Hartley was ok during his 16 years. Now you are the one telling fibs! He does put politics in it, sad he wasn’t going to terminate anyone , look what he done! Absolutely didn’t tell the truth. Of course we all know who is telling him what to do.


Posted 6:09 pm, 04/09/2018

Hartley was elected Sherriff for 16 years. He is calling the shots. You complain because he does the right thing and keeps politics out of his decisions. To those that backed Bufurt and now Mochen, quality takes a back seat to politics and self interests. The voters see and understand this. The good people of Ashe want no more of the BS they have had to put up with in 2017.

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