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Steve Mochen Billboard

jack rip her

Posted 7:37 pm, 04/23/2018

After people ride by the signs a few weeks they get used to them and they just blend in to the back ground. Were he to wait until before the election the effect of the signs will be much better. But tell him to suit himself.


Posted 6:31 pm, 04/23/2018

That right of way stuff is questionable any way. I pay taxes on my property to the center of the state road it fronts. In some places I pay taxes on the whole road because I own land on both sides. According to the law, candidates must ask permission of land owners to put signs on the right of way. For years I have pulled up every sign I did not grant permission for. Since only really good candidates ask permission, very few signs survive on my property. The Absher signs will survive. They will probably multiply.


Posted 6:13 pm, 04/23/2018

They were not placed on the right of way. They were placed on private property. They can remain up for years if the property owners want them to.

jack rip her

Posted 5:51 pm, 04/23/2018

Hes not running until November. Why waste time and signs. How about the county ordinance about the signs?


Posted 5:09 pm, 04/23/2018

I put up five for him yesterday. Before any of you start posting BS, Absher's son is handing out signs from his personal vehicle.


Posted 5:02 pm, 04/23/2018

Absher for sheriff signs are popping up around the county now.


Posted 5:49 pm, 04/22/2018

He will be here as long as Nelson and Co. pay his way. I see the payments coming to an end May 8th. WTH Nelson plans to do with a pet Sherriff is anyone's guess. I guess it might be like a pet groundhog. Cool to have because nobody else has one. But really, what is it good for? We saw how he made no effort to train his last pet Sherriff. Bufurt made quite the mess before he had to be put down.

jack rip her

Posted 5:12 pm, 04/22/2018

No, he only had to get a loan and pay her half. He did that in September 2017.


Posted 4:12 pm, 04/22/2018

Does he have to sell the house as part of the divorce?

jack rip her

Posted 3:56 pm, 04/22/2018

Mr.Clodhopper (view profile)

Posted 7:56 am, 04/22/2018

Mr. Mochen is here to stay. Don't know what part of that y'all can't seem to understand...

His house just recently went up for sale, his wife left him high and dry, his children and grandchildren are all in FL, all his contacts are in FL where he spent over 30 years as a barney. So no, I dont understand.

Post those links deplorable.


Posted 9:59 am, 04/22/2018

The house cleaning happened when Bufurt was removed from office. You boys have been listening to too much Alex Jones and now believe every conspiracy you come across.


Posted 9:49 am, 04/22/2018

There is some truth to what Deplorable is saying. You all need to listen and take warning. Some housecleaning needs to happen.


Posted 9:22 am, 04/22/2018

I’ve read the motions. You are a liar. If there was no judicial standing for the case, It would have been dismissed, not a settlement. Bufurt would still be Sheriff. The judge can’t order a county to pay off anyone without it actually going to a civil suit. Stop repeating the crap that Bufurt and Nelson are telling everyone.


Posted 7:56 am, 04/22/2018

Mr. Mochen is here to stay. Don't know what part of that y'all can't seem to understand...


Posted 7:05 am, 04/22/2018

You sir, are as usual, 100% wrong. Your warped view of reality is shared by a very small percentage of the voting population. I believe this fact will hit you between the eyes May 8th. Maybe Mochen will find Deplorable a nice padded room in sunny Florida when he goes back there.


Posted 12:34 am, 04/22/2018

Sassy.. the point is, that Barlow, Horner and Sands want to control the vote, they want their choice in office so that all of the corruption is never exposed, they were the ones behind Buchanon OUT at no matter what costs, if you do your due diligence research and read the motions, you will find that the judge authorized payment to Buchanan because the case that BARLOW and Horner brought against him had absolutely NO NO NO NO judicial merit, he was absolutely cleared of all charges, meaning he DID nothing WRONG legally and ethically, only thing he did wrong was cross the COURT HOUSE CROWD This is why it cost the county 71000 bucks, because there was never no case and never no just cause Why cannot you blind idiots see this


Posted 9:18 pm, 04/21/2018

Jack, I wish you luck proving anything true that comes from Deplorable. He is one of the pack of liars that supported the Crooked Three and Bufurt. He still supports Perry. Enough said.

jack rip her

Posted 9:10 pm, 04/21/2018

Can anyone prove this statement by deplorable that Mooch is going to pick Howell as his chief deputy? Nice ploy though.


Posted 7:22 am, 04/21/2018

What is it with you? The Clerk and DA won't do as they're told, so they got to go? Nelson and Co. can't buy them, so they need to be replaced? Tell us,please. What would you guys do with a Clerk of Court and DA if you had them?


Posted 12:09 am, 04/21/2018

I am not a financial supporter of any candidate as public records will show as of April 30, 2018 when all information is available on the NC State Board of Elections website, with that said, you read my comments against Sands, Barlow and Horner, do I think they are corrupt **** yeah, they have bought into the system they think they own Ashe County and it is theirs for the taking, this has to change, it is our choice the citizens choice and that is why i want Sands gone, Barlow is obviously safe with no opponents, Horner is safe, but they are trying to protect others and keep their little cover up going, so go vote, and lets see what happens, if I am wrong, so be it, want be the first time, but I will NOT vote for anyone that is backed by Barlow, Sands or Horner. Be it Mochen or Howell I don't really care, best thing I heard is that Mochen would choose Howell as his chief deputy, now that would be a great pairing.

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