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Steve Mochen Billboard


Posted 1:13 am, 04/07/2018

I don't think Mochen will win the primary. There is a small chance, but if he does he'll lose in November. There aren't enough non natives in the county to carry him through November.


Posted 1:01 am, 04/07/2018

When Mochen wins the primary and has the popular vote, is Barlow and Horner going to attack him> Just wondering


Posted 11:59 pm, 04/06/2018

Sharpshooter, I had shown support for Mochen. But after I read your last two post, which is basically the same as you posted for Buckaroo Buchanan. I may be having second doubts about Steve'o.

Yeah, he is fair minded, level headed and all that - but if I think you and a couple of other nuts here are voting for him... Gee, I may just have to examine my thoughts and vote for someone else.

I noticed a long time ago: Every time you claim that someone is 'the best' it turns out being the worst.

You were 100% wrong about: Buchanan, Mickey lard butt, Tricky "little d***" Ricky.

We've all noticed that you like lawlessness, crooked people and people that the everyday citizens like to avoid. So... If you like Mochen and claiming he's so great... I'm going to vote for someone else. Thanks!


Posted 11:36 pm, 04/06/2018

Looks like someone pushed the Sharpe button. I for one, only state facts. No name calling or trash talk here. Just the truth. Sharp if you think my facts are wrong then prove it. Name calling and playground bullying is very unattractive and does nothing to promote Mochen’s agenda. If anything it reflects poorly on Mochen that this is what his supporters look like, unable to articulate anything of value in support of him.


Posted 11:24 pm, 04/06/2018

Sharpie, why are you and Nelson wiling to pay so much for your own Sherriff ?


Posted 10:37 pm, 04/06/2018

Really? Who’s the sheriff now? It seems we know how to win.


Posted 10:14 pm, 04/06/2018

<BS(***)y62> fits the trash talking definition pretty well.



Posted 10:10 pm, 04/06/2018


All good people will vote for Mochen.

NOTE: The evil, trash talking retards hiding behind their Social Media aliases and white sheets and p(c)opulating on this site will lose.


Posted 12:50 pm, 04/06/2018

My bet is that when the figures are released, Mochen will have received much more money from just a couple of donors. I am betting Howell and Jimmy receive less money from hundreds of supporters. Each donor still gets only one vote. Keep throwing that money in the pit Nelson and Bull.

jack rip her

Posted 12:38 pm, 04/06/2018

I sure would love to get a public look at the campaign finances of Moochen, Howell, and Jimmy.

jack rip her

Posted 9:54 am, 04/06/2018

Moochen = a imported floridiot. I may add he has morons for support.


Posted 9:46 am, 04/06/2018

After the imported Terry B. disaster, who in their right mind would suppose a floridiot would have a chinamans chance of being elected sheriff? Not me.


Posted 8:33 am, 04/06/2018

I think the May primary will prove just how many of the good people of Ashe have lost their mind. If they wanted to fool us with the installation of a puppet Sherriff they should not have started with Bufurt. I think very few people will fall for this BS a second time. Once bitten, twice shy.


Posted 8:04 am, 04/06/2018

Thank you Sassy62. I was thanking that everybody had lost there mind.


Posted 7:06 am, 04/06/2018

We have only the affirmations from people who have supported the corrupt that Mochen is experienced and qualified to be Sherriff. Over the past year those voices have shown to be unreliable. Nothing Mochen has done in Ashe has proven any ability beyond taking money and direction from people who have lied to the good people of Ashe for more than a year.


Posted 1:04 am, 04/06/2018

Jack, he had a year to pass the NC BLE Exam but wasn’t able to pass. So now he has to go to school and pass NC BLE Training. When he left the Sheriff Dept he was going to West Jefferson Police Dept. But couldn’t without NC BLE Exam. I assume he had one more chance to take the test and not passing it deterred his plans. You would think with all his years of law enforcement experience it wouldn’t have been so hard for him. I hate that for him.


Posted 12:53 am, 04/06/2018

Bull, don’t forget Buchanan stated he was a Christian. People of Faith fell in behind him. They were so blinded by his claims they failed to observe his actions. They certainly did not support Christianity. The main thing that concerns me about Mochen is that he continues to stand up for Buchanan. He can’t see through the smoke screen. This job requires some intelligence and an ability to read people. He’s not showing us he has either. He’s a nice guy but just not sheriff material. I’m afraid it would be repeat of the craziness we observed this past year. The word gullible comes to mind. And that’s why we point out our concerns. He is not being bashed. Just the truth. I’ve noticed how so many people hear the word Christian and their mind is made up solely on that. They take it at face value while actions show something different. What the heck?????


Posted 10:05 pm, 04/05/2018

Bull, your support for liars and thieves says otherwise.

American Bulldog

Posted 9:58 pm, 04/05/2018

No crooks here, just honest people that believe in god !


Posted 9:48 pm, 04/05/2018

Spread your foolishness somewhere else. Everybody knows that support for the corrupt like Bufurt, Rose and company is corruption itself. Shame on you bunch of crooks.

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