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Steve Mochen Billboard

American Bulldog

Posted 5:56 pm, 04/09/2018

LOL, Sounds to me like the Hartley administration, they are telling him what to do for sure.


Posted 5:42 pm, 04/09/2018

IF elected (notice the big if) he will pick the people he is told to pick. His backers own him. Mochen would have absolutely no say in the direction taken by our Sherriff's office. If you want to know something about a Mochen SO ask Perry, Sharpie or Nelson.


Posted 5:21 pm, 04/09/2018

Don't count out Mochen's little buddy former first sergeant Maultsby as the chief deputy pick. After all he doesn't know that many people in Ashe. Of course he could send for a buddy from down in Florida.


Posted 5:13 pm, 04/09/2018

I feel these conversations and the worries and concerns that go along with them will disappear with Mochen on May 8th.


Posted 4:31 pm, 04/09/2018

So let's get this straight. Instead of him taking his time and picking someone who cares about the public, you would rather him make a rash decision and suffer the consequences. I think he should continue to vet his pick and get it right.


Posted 3:29 pm, 04/09/2018

So if Mocha Latte has given a lot of thought as to what he wants in a Chief Deputy, then apparently he has already got someone chosen for that position. Who is it? Who else will be in the various administrative positions if (and that's a very big IF) he gets elected? The public has a right to know, so why is he afraid to talk about it? I mean, he is all about transparency, right?

Truth is he doesn't want you to know because you will not be pleased when you find out.

jack rip her

Posted 3:18 pm, 04/09/2018

His picture is on Howells web site and he makes appearances Howell. I cant recall his name as I dont personally know him.


Posted 2:28 pm, 04/09/2018

Jack, who is Howells chief deputy going to be?

jack rip her

Posted 2:11 pm, 04/09/2018

We are giving Moochen the chance to be the upstanding barney he claims he is. He claims he will have transparency so now is a good time to prove he is telling the truth. Post the campaign finances.


Posted 1:58 pm, 04/09/2018

Jack, go ahead and post it. It's public record. I'm quite sure that he is not receiving money from any nefarious source. Good luck with your witch hunt.

jack rip her

Posted 1:48 pm, 04/09/2018

Funny Howell has already named who his chief deputy is. Moochen defending bufurt says enough to sane people.

Truth ask him where all his money is coming from. Tell him to post it before we do.


Posted 1:37 pm, 04/09/2018

I just read this by Steve Mochen. Sounds like the right direction to me, however I'm sure the haters will find something to complain about.

"I have been asked multiple times by numerous people about who I would appoint as my Chief Deputy. The answer right now, is that I have not made a final decision.

Some have insinuated that I will be bringing back Sheriff Buchanan or Richard Clayton to fill that spot. The answer to that question is, I will not be bringing back either under a Mochen administration. Both these men treated me well while employed with the Sheriff’s Office, but as I have said repeatedly, the Sheriff’s Office and the County need to heal. My decision as to who I will select to be my Chief Deputy will be made on a list of critical factors. First, the Chief Deputy must demonstrate leadership qualities, that in my absence, I could trust to do the right thing. Secondly, the Chief Deputy must be experienced in managing people and problems and third, my Chief Deputy must share my vision of public service, community service and doing what is best for everyone, not just a select group of friends or supporters.

As I have said in numerous posts and in person, I expect everyone in the Sheriff’s Office to be accountable to the citizens. This starts with picking the best administration to help lead the Sheriff’s Office. If anyone has any questions, I am always available by phone, in person or online"


Posted 11:43 pm, 04/08/2018

Sharpie, every time you speak, a few more voters turn from Mochen. You should not worry though......there were precious few Mochen voters to begin with.


Posted 11:09 pm, 04/08/2018

WOW. Check out CorporalMidnight, S***Y OleO, etc. This idiotic post just confirms the rampant stupidity that abounds on these threads...
I had no idea that the power of my speech reached so far into the dark unprincipled depths of certain of the posters hearts that I can change votes..


Posted 6:27 pm, 04/07/2018

Mochen only says what his backers tell him to. The truth has not mattered to them in over a year......why should it make a difference now.


Posted 5:58 pm, 04/07/2018

Does Mochen not realize Hartley is a Republican who chose a Democrat as his chief deputy or that the SO has a mixture of R's and D's working there now?

From his website:

•" I was asked how I felt about the deputies that were not reappointed when Sheriff Buchannan resigned from office and the new administration failed to reappoint many of the deputies and support staff. This one was easy. I strongly disagree with any administration that systematically removes or fires employees because of their political affiliation. No employee who derives their livelihood from their employer should ever fear reprisals or be held hostage due to their political affiliations. As Sheriff, there would be changes in the leadership, any deputy or support personnel who act in a legal, ethical and moral way would not have to fear the loss of their employment. This practice is archaic and cannot continue to be practiced in this county"

Sounds more like he was discribing the Buchanan administration doesn't it?

Then he says this:

"One voter asked about the discourse between the County Commission, District Attorney’s Office and Sheriff’s Office. I personally have never seen so much infighting and animus between county leadership."

That was also under the Buchanan administrating......things are much improved now. It seems he has the Hartley/Absher administration confused with the Buchanan/Clayton fiasco.


Posted 9:49 am, 04/07/2018

If Mochen is so fair and honest why have we not seen him distance himself from the liars and crooks that gave us Bufurt? Why has Mochen not pledged to investigate his supporters that gave us Bufurt? My opinion is they are paying for his campaign and own him. He will do and say exactly what those crooks tell him to. Nelson's puppet, Mochen for Sherriff 2018.

American Bulldog

Posted 9:11 am, 04/07/2018

We need a Sheriff like Steve Mochen to do a fair and honest job for Ashe County! Go vote


Posted 7:47 am, 04/07/2018

There.....the Sharpie/Deplorable/Bull/Nelson vendetta against our clerk of court raises it's ugly head again. You guys just can't stand the thought of elected officials you can't buy......you guys are the definition of corruption. There is no amount of money to high or lie you won't tell to get your puppets installed at the courthouse. Go crawl back under your rocks. People have heard your BS for over a year. We ain't paying attention to your lies the second time around.


Posted 2:17 am, 04/07/2018

I can think of one person who probably hopes the primary vote is divided enough for Mochen to slip through and win......Bucky Absher.

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