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Easter Trip!!


Posted 7:38 am, 06/29/2024


"Don't you worry, get dressed," cried my mother
As she plied me with bourbon so sour
"Pull your socks up, put your suit on
Comb your long hair down
For you will be wed in the hour."

So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged
There's a pain where there once was a heart
I'm sleeping, it's beatin'
Can't you please take it out, and preserve it
Right there in that jar?

I was tremblin', as I put on my jacket
It had creases as sharp as a knife
I put the ring in my pocket
But there was a note
And my heart it jumped into my mouth

It read, "Darlin', I'm sorry to hurt you
But I've no courage to speak to your face
But I'm down in Virginia with your cousin Lou
There'll be no wedding today."

So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged
You can put back my heart in its hole
Oh mama, I'm cryin'
Tears of relief
And my pulse is now under control

Rolling Stones

Green Arrow

Posted 9:54 pm, 06/26/2024

Apparently we now have another missing person in good old Ashe. This one has pending warrants out on him. Lets see how well those criminal seeking warrants work

Green Arrow

Posted 2:38 pm, 06/26/2024

Lets not stir up doggie. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.


Posted 12:25 pm, 06/26/2024

Ain't had a good track history of smart sheriffs also, most of them ol boys has to depend on they good looks and charming persona and chendo also to get s*** done. Ask Mo the law dog if that ain't right.

Green Arrow

Posted 12:00 pm, 06/26/2024

Back certainly would explain a lot. Probably got caught in some shady dealings. Either that or the thought of returning to that so called Queen city pushed him over the edge. Or maybe he got shafted by Ashe County's oremier white collar so called financial guru, ole Jimmy boy. Ticked some off on the big site off when I wasn't properly sympathic to the plight. Personally I just consider it one less better than you are to deal with. Made my daughter promise if I get lost to send Tracker and not bother with the Sheriffs office. Of course if I go missing they would not bother Makes one wonder with those excelent detectives and search dogs, WHY they could not have located him. Got a laugh out of one of those officers one day when he was looking to serve a warrant on Miss Ginny. He spotted my other daughter walking up the road and stopped to ask if she knew Miss Ginny. My daughter said yes she was her unclaimed sister. He got all excited at the prospect of locating his quarry but was none to happy to find out Ginny sister had no idea where she was nor did she care. His response was he would issue a warrant for her arrest if he could not serve a paper on her. Now when I was told, yep I had to ask how in **** he would ARREST her if he could not find her?? Was it a new kind of criminal seeking warrang like a heat seeking missile. Guess Ashe County doesn't rate the smartest of detectives.


Posted 10:17 am, 06/26/2024

Our sources said the ol boy was a IT feller outta Charlotte, said he's hawt with the progressive and liberal educators also. Mornlikely ain't no coinkydink the ol boy picked Ashe to get suicided at if the gossip is correct, ain't know wonder the rate of such is the highest in the hole state of NC. Reckon he's so depressed cause he's poorern s*** like the libs of the county would have us believe?

Green Arrow

Posted 8:50 am, 06/26/2024

Mental I was amazed we had a Charlotte man go missing in Ashe and was found a quarter mile from his car on the Parkway and not a single word was posted here. This happened according to the big site after an extensive search by law enforcement. Guess it proves what I have always said that law enforcement in Ashe can't find their *** with both hands. From a neighbors van on Mill Creek, that my daughter and I had to tell them the location of, they could not locate sitting a foot from their turbo interceptor keys which they lost to a lost person don't call anyone in Ashe County to find anything unless its a,white collar crook or drugs. Those they can find. Now from my point of view if its from Charlotte and lost I don't want to find them. Rumors abbound that it was a suicide and it will make the rest of us want to join this man in doing ourselves in. My theory is he died of boredom after he discovered Ashe County is not that exciting. I once talked to a lady at Daymark who was there because she was dying of boredom. She had been told that Ashe had lots of exciting going ons. Guess she believed the realtors spill of what a great exciting thing it was to live in Ashe with parties every night. I guess thats why everything here is now from Wilkes and is all political bs. Stay cool Mental cause its going to be hot but not as hot as Charlotte or Wilkes. It is after all sumner.


Posted 8:13 am, 06/26/2024


Well now a couple hours passed and I was sitting in my house
The day was winding down and coming to an end
And so I turned on the TV and flipped it over to the news
And what I saw I almost couldn't comprehend
I saw a preacher man in cuffs, he'd taken money from the church
He'd stuffed his bank account with righteous dollar bills
But even still I can't say much because I know we're all the same
Oh yes, we all seek out to satisfy those thrills

You know there ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees
We got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed
There ain't nothing in this world for free
Oh no we can't slow down, we can't hold back
Though you know we wish we could
Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good

Cage the Elephant


Posted 9:51 am, 06/24/2024


Hello GA Person. {I am so sorry but
I forgot your name}
Im still a little confused
Well, maybe a little more than a little
Why does GA post GW posts on
GA's community voice? See confusing
I live in Ashe so I would think
by going to GA community voice
I would be receiving Ashe's community voice
not GW's
Also, I thought some type of filtering tool
was going to be implemented so i
can filter what i want to read. You know
I just want to read things that are happy and uplifting
After I read GW I want to find an electrical cattle fence
and urinate on it!! Just end it all in nature!!
After consuming copious amounts of mushrooms
those beautiful cattle leave for me
of course!!
Please help me find some happy things to read
and please stop putting GW posts
on GA community voice
Thank you in advance

Mentalpause 🍄


Posted 3:51 am, 06/19/2024


Ooh, mama
Well look what's been done
You can only see the stars
After a setting sun

You run for the money
You don't even know about wild mountain honey

Come on mama
Heal this lonesome man
Grow the tree of wholeness
In this desert land

Come on children
Now learn how to run
By heaven, the stars, the moon and the sun

Come on papa
Your end is the means
Don't trade your love and goodness
For the golden machine

You run for the money
You don't even know about wild mountain honey

Steve Miller Band


Posted 5:22 am, 06/17/2024


Hello chendo
That is one of my favorite songs
I think Harry Chapin was a great song writer!
I hope you got more sleep......


Posted 10:03 am, 06/16/2024

I asked Alexa to play Father's Day music...first one out of the gate was Cat's In The Cradle...I'm going back to bed

Green Arrow

Posted 8:25 am, 06/16/2024

Back don't asj then anything unless you want to hear more lies. Got my appointment to get to the bottim of Chendos bs.


Posted 7:02 am, 06/16/2024

Planes and bills, pfft. Theys bars and colorful w***es also which them baby daddies gotta git to after work only if they can keep a job in the first place wasting they d*** time and money also ain't being actual daddies. Ask Harry and Mo also if that ain't right.


Posted 6:21 am, 06/16/2024


My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say "I'm gonna be like you, Dad
You know I'm gonna be like you"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home, Dad
I don't know when, but we'll get together then
You know we'll have a good time then

Harry Chapin


Posted 6:16 am, 06/16/2024


Sexy Sadie, The 5 Toto's and myself
want to wish all you wonderful fathers
We hope you have a relaxing and peaceful day!!

Green Arrow

Posted 7:49 am, 06/12/2024

Chendo you are one to talk.


Posted 4:50 pm, 06/11/2024

And no one believes your lies.

You lie for attention. Your medical team knows this and it is well documented.

Thank you Baron Von Munchausen

Green Arrow

Posted 4:45 pm, 06/11/2024

Then Chendo explain to me why my medical insurer choose to cancelmy card abd issye a new one. I know exactly what I was told by them. Someone tried to use my card in Cakigornia abd the insurer blocked it. As Hartley liked to say "I know what I know!! Do you not think any medical office worth a grain of salt will know if an unauthorized, unidentified person goes into those files?? Lets just see shall we?? Personally I think you are full of crap since you have bern so far off its not even funny


Posted 4:39 pm, 06/11/2024

You keep making insinuations about this site, and I will have you removed

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