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Bogus Tax Collection Talk


Posted 12:59 am, 09/30/2015

That $400K that appears to roll off every year does not mean the liability or the ability to collect has gone away. It's a GFOA requirement and a normal auditing and modified accrual account practice to write off 10 year old debt. The "write off" is a way to clear them off the books, not to give up chasing the money. When the money is received in the 11th, 15th, or 20th year, it's akin to found money and there is no specific fund line item for the money so usually it's dumped into miscellaneous taxes as opposed to being allocated to a specific year.

As long as the County maintains a collection effort that effort is active for 10 years and can be updated as time goes on � it's no different than updating a lien. The oldest I've seen is 14 years old.

In actuality over a 20 year term, the County is probably collecting 99.4 to 99.5%, meaning there is only about $200,000 or so out there to actually collect that would not otherwise come in over time.

You will notice that none of the delineated city or county policies said what the city or county would do, only what they MAY do after a certain amount of time passes. May is not the same word as shall or will.

The computers can separate and create a list of past due taxes on properties. Just have the computer print that list every year so that you can track it, but since it will take about $3K to 5K, the lien work doesn't make sense until the taxes owed are at least 3K. That means that the property with unpaid taxes after one year needs to be worth 700K to begin foreclosure.

The little old lady in a house worth 70K would need to be 10 years past due to make a foreclosure worth the time and effort not including the 10% penalty and interest. But as I have noted,, interest rates at banks are so low that waiting for unpaid property tax money is more lucrative than money in the bank.

I hadn't considered the use of this red-herring to gin up the need for more staff. That's a plausible theory.


Posted 10:06 pm, 09/29/2015

Btw Dragqueen, ask someone to explain that audit to you. What you'll learn will disappoint you. That is, if you will pay attention.


Posted 10:04 pm, 09/29/2015

How come ignorant fools always want to think that anyone that doesn't agree with them must not be native? They are jealous of the ones of us that figured out how to cross the county line form time to time and see how the rest of the world works


Posted 7:39 pm, 09/29/2015

Canoe, since you are so heck bent on chasing after all this money that a moron has dangled, pray tell us just how much you could collect. This should not be too hard since you have all this higher education.

Dragging Canoe

Posted 6:16 pm, 09/29/2015

Unfortunately, you're wrong, but at least that keeps you consistent, Where did you move here from?


Posted 5:54 pm, 09/29/2015

8th grade ain't significant.

Dragging Canoe

Posted 5:37 pm, 09/29/2015

Pretty significant. What part of Miami are you from?


Posted 4:51 pm, 09/29/2015

Canoe, just of crap and giggles what is you level of education?

Dragging Canoe

Posted 4:35 pm, 09/29/2015

Then maybe the county should collect their delinquent taxes to help pay for that.


Posted 8:37 am, 09/29/2015

Bingo Basking. I even bet there are tons of waste without cutting people.

I think we are seeing the county government go backwards. This group of nuts run on small government, yet I I see the county government growing with the changes that they are making. DSS takeover and Tax collections will need more resources, I think someone else mentioned this, but I see the Manager getting more people to help him with these task.


Posted 9:36 pm, 09/28/2015

It is chump change when compared to the actual budget. I could cut double that from the budget tomorrow and no more than 10 people in the county would lose sleep over the change.

Dragging Canoe

Posted 9:27 pm, 09/28/2015

The four of five years of audit reports that will pull up on the county's website total $429,000 of taxes rolling off after 10 years. I assume that doesn't include interest which would probably double that amount. If that's chump change that you wouldn't go after then you must make more than the average person in Ashe County.


Posted 9:05 pm, 09/28/2015

Still haven't figured out where you screwed up, have you

Dragging Canoe

Posted 8:59 pm, 09/28/2015

Did you bid yet?


Posted 8:35 pm, 09/28/2015

And Backwater, I once bought a fifth of liquor that only cost $30. But like your comment, that has nothing to do with this subject


Posted 8:06 pm, 09/28/2015

Backwater now you will have the canoe thinking that all of wilkes taxes go to Charlotte.


Posted 7:43 pm, 09/28/2015

In Wilkes county if you mail your taxes into Tax office,the check goes to a business in Charlotte,NC.


Posted 7:21 pm, 09/28/2015

Since Canoe is too stupid to figure it out, let me break it down for him. I'm all for seizing properties where the taxes haven't been paid. But only doing so if it can can generate income. Then on further digging, it turned out that the county already collects 96% of taxes with standard procedures, and within 10 years gets 3% of the outstanding balance. That means ultimately, the current method collects 99% of all property taxes.

So just why go through a big ordeal that will at best probably be no better than a wash?


Posted 6:36 pm, 09/28/2015

I've tried to hold him down and pour the knowledge in either ear with little to no success. I hope he has a good rope on that canoe.


Posted 6:28 pm, 09/28/2015

I keep trying to lead you to the knowledge, but you just refuse to take it in

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