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Bogus Tax Collection Talk


Posted 4:39 pm, 09/22/2015

City - the county manager is a MORON and yes he has said that during public meetings and elsewhere. This is not the only piece of bad advice he has given that is going to end up costing the taxpayers thousands. I particularly "like" his response to the threat of lawsuits which is typically - "that's why we have insurance." The commissioners need to dump this idiot before he breaks the county.


Posted 4:38 pm, 09/22/2015

That's what I was thinking Basking. I know someone that bought a home several years ago that the county foreclosed on for taxes, he regretted for a longtime, due to the basement being flooded and numerous other things that he had no clue about.


Posted 4:08 pm, 09/22/2015

Surveys and inspections? I've never seen a tax sale where they did any more than issue quit claim deeds. $50 a pop issued by tax parcel ID's and buyers take all the risk


Posted 3:52 pm, 09/22/2015

Wrong thread.


Posted 3:51 pm, 09/22/2015

Which meeting should we show up to? The Public meeting is a farce and we are not invited to the meetings of those really making the decisions for the 3 puppets.


Posted 3:30 pm, 09/22/2015

Didn't mean to use "condemn" and "foreclose" as interchangeable words - sorry for that. You can have a tax foreclosure without condemnation, but that doesn't mean you will collect anything if the owner is bankrupt, or their corporation expired, or they are dead.


Posted 3:27 pm, 09/22/2015

I truly disappointed to read the pablum in the Jefferson Post regarding past due taxes and comment that "no business would run this way". What hokum. Private business know when to quit chasing the noncollectable dollars and dollars that cost more to collect than they are worth.

Every foreclosure will cost the county at least $1,000 in legal fees, survey fees, and most importantly in environmental inspections unless the county is dumb enough to condemn contaminated land.

Where a lot of this property is located, the value is zero and there is not modern survey. Many of your tax records are based not on survey's but based on imputed numbers from other people's surveys spliced together.

I recall a certain city in Central NC stupid enough to foreclose on former industrial property that skipped town - and they got a superfund site that cost tens of thousands to clean up due to benzos in the old polishing pond that had eaten up the asphalt liner and sinked into the soil.

Normally I don't directly criticize management statements, but if Yearick really said what he is quoted as saying, he needs to re-calibrate his statement and acknowledge that there are properties this county does not want. Is the county going to foreclose on property around Ore Knob? Is the county going to foreclose on worthless remnants? What about the highway right of ways that the county taxes but are of no value?

Only a fool attempts to foreclose on NCDOT right of way, BREMCO right of way, remnants, etc., without a redevelopment plan to take that property and attach it to another viable tract in order to have something worth selling or even taxing.

I implore the Board and the Citizens to watch this process carefully otherwise the County will get stuck with less than worthless property and since the County has deep pockets, that's when the Feds show up to demand a clean up. I've seen this before and the last two times I saw it, the genesis was stupid politicians chasing the worthless property dollar.

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