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Posted 11:06 am, 04/21/2016

I believe the word you are looking for is *quiet*


Posted 11:24 am, 04/18/2016

You guys got quite lol I guess you are busy rolling around getting sweaty


Posted 2:29 pm, 04/03/2016

I will apologize if my comments to you were wrong or misdirected, that was not my intent. I guess that I just took it as odd that you seemed that your intention was to call me out since that was the only time that you had commented. If that was not your intent, I hope you can understand why I took your question the way that I did.


Posted 12:37 pm, 04/03/2016

Footballkings, I don't care for the little 106 in this thread at all, but I am willing to bet even he would be able to take you down and beat the crap out of you.

charlie p brown

Posted 3:22 am, 04/03/2016

armyvet101 I did create this account last week and that's me. I'm not footballqueen or footballking. I was simply ask who you were? I don't know any of the mentioned parties except for Earl, just found thread interesting. Thanks all folks.


Posted 7:40 pm, 04/02/2016

Thanks commish! That's why I said I'm done with him. It is just disturbing that someone feels so insecure about themselves that they feel it is necessary to verbally abuse kids on a public forum.


Posted 7:09 pm, 04/02/2016

Footballqueen/transgender is obviously just trying to get you fired up. just like a heckling fan in the stands, the best thing to do is either A) ignore him and continue with the conversation or B) fight fire with fire and be just as creative.

Congrats to all the placers and champions from the county and conference. Wrestling seems to be the one sport our area can compete at the state level in recent years. I have lots of respect for the sport and the kids / coaches that do it. I had nephews that wrestled and I am familiar with the sport and the effort it takes.


Posted 6:47 pm, 04/02/2016

I'm done with you and this discussion because obviously you have no decency or guts! I hope you are proud of yourself for insulting kids you pathetic, cowardly bully!!! You should be so proud to be such a loser!!!


Posted 5:51 pm, 04/02/2016

You do know that the sweaty guys in Ancient Greece wrestled nude lol I guess it was easier to "get the job done"...worlds oldest sport is rolling around with sweaty guys lol and you know what the world oldest profession

is don't you?


Posted 1:21 pm, 04/02/2016

Oh, and one last response: Charlie P Brown, are you making an attempt to defend someone who repeatedly insults youth athletes and that's why you aimed your only post on this thread at me? Good call! Defend someone who is insulting every wrestler from ages 4 to 24 and every volunteer coach who works to instill values, work ethic, determination, and courage in these young men so that they will grow up to be successful in life!

Footballqueen's comments don't just attack a few high schoolers, they attack little kids who work hard every day in the hope that they too can be a state champion someday or maybe even eventually represent our country in the Olympics!

So, having said all that; for those on this thread who have indicated that football queen "may have a point", for you Charlie P (whom I still suspect is just another screen name for football queen), and if I'm wrong about Charlie P, for you football queen, I hope you are very proud of being so cowardly as to think that picking on elementary schoolers with a goal in life by inferring that they are involved in some h*mosexual act is an honorable thing to do! People who do things like that are what's wrong with the world today!!!!


Posted 9:20 am, 04/02/2016

I have no problem with identifying myself to those who know me and have to people on this thread who have asked me in person when they asked if armyvet was me but will not do it on here. Reason, I haven't been insulting a whole community of young athletes from ages 4 to 24 (youth wrestlers to college age).

The only insults that I have placed on here, and the only challenge to anyone that I have issued regarding identifying themselves is to the person who has been doing this. Also, if someone is trashy enough to do that.

Anonymity is a right but repeatedly attacking others, especially with repeated unfounded comments aimed at people who DO NOT DESERVE to be subjected to them is a poor choice.

As I have stated, if that individual will have enough guts to come out in the open, which they won't, then that would be a different story.

If you feel that I am wrong, so be it. But the first and second challenges were issued with no response so why should I do the same? The people involved with the sport in the county know who I am.

I suspect that you are not actually Charlie P Brown since your screen name was created last week and that you are actually one in the same as footballqueen.

I am done with this thread because it has descended into nothing but insults and jabs back and forth and is no longer worth my time. I simply commented in the first place to defend (when I shouldn't have to) the accomplishment of a fine young athlete who was needlessly being attacked!

charlie p brown

Posted 11:53 pm, 04/01/2016

armyvet101 why don't you come out from your screen name?


Posted 9:31 pm, 04/01/2016

Yes I am a fan of true athletes who put their hearts and souls into the world's oldest sport, wrestling, which has nothing to do with h*mosexuality! In addition, I know many kids who wrestle, none of which do it for the so called reason that you infer. You are a simple minded gutless wonder!!! I dare you to EVER respond and identify yourself on here you pathetic piece on excrement!!! What's the matter, don't have the guts? Calling you out big mouth!!!!! Or are you just going to show everyone what a coward you are! I dare you again, and again, and again! But of course, you won't!

If you aren't proficient enough to spell your own name, then, without violating your house arrest or breaking your mommy and daddy's curfew (whichever applies), just go to a match and identify yourself!! But you won't do that either. Besides, you are so hung up on sweaty guys, apparently that's where your interests lie anyway or you wouldn't repeatedly talk about it.


Posted 7:37 pm, 04/01/2016

Army you a big fan of sweaty boys rolling around with each other?


Posted 6:02 pm, 03/26/2016

Hey footballqueen, you disgusting piece of trash, waste of oxygen, built up mildew scum in the bottom of a toilet, if you're not going to answer my previous post, then why don't you act like dog crap and dry up and blow away! I posted it again for you. Get mommy and daddy or the person who drives you to cash your welfare checks to read it to you slowly so you can understand!!! Again it says:

I personally challenge footballqueen to post his real name, age, school or previous school, and personal athletic accomplishments on this thread (and not some made up fake crap, actually verifiable information) for all to see since he is sooooo brave to come on here talking junk. Until that is done, everyone who reads his repeated cowardly comments can just assume that he is a ignorant redneck coward who hides behind a screen name and ignore his idiocy! He is nothing more than trash and derserves no more attention on this or any thread concerning wrestling!


Posted 4:35 pm, 03/26/2016

Yes, congrats to being the best in the state at rolling around with other sweaty guys LOL


Posted 1:45 pm, 03/26/2016

What does it matter if he cuts weight or not? He was the best that particular day and won the title, TWICE. It's his business what he does. If you don't like it get over it. Just congratulate the kid for a job well done and move on.

Just for the Record

Posted 9:12 am, 03/26/2016

Monster is not completely wrong is all of his statements. I mean Dakota did start the season wrestling 113 and 120 "which a lot of wrestlers do start at a higher weight then move down" but he did get beat pretty easy by a couple of wrestlers during the season that did not win a state title. I think they both placed 5th in their weight classes. So saying that he could have won or that he will win at whatever weight he wants is a little far fetched.

And to answer Mr. Browns question Roland said he won all of his state titles at 160 in his last post.

charlie p brown

Posted 11:49 pm, 03/25/2016

ejroland what weight did you win your 3 states at Ashe?


Posted 10:31 pm, 03/25/2016

If my memory it correct Jorge Lima was a three-time state champion at West Wilkes as a senior state champion victory at 145 pounds. Lima worked hard to pull his weight up from previous titles at 119 and 126 pounds in 1A.

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